This is why anti-cellulite creams have not worked for you.

If you have tried many anti-cellulite creams and they haven't worked, don't despair. Here we explain why and what to do to improve orange peel skin. And to know how to reduce cellulite it is essential to understand how it is formed.

The skin is made up of three layers, one on top of the other. From outermost to innermost, they are the epidermis, the dermis and the hypodermis. The dermis rests on the hypodermis and is attached to it by columns made of collagen. Just like the stone columns that support the roof of Roman buildings.

Cellulite originates in the hypodermis and one of its consequences is that the pillars on which the immediate upper layer, the dermis, is supported begin to lose elasticity. The collagen columns become increasingly rigid and some of them start to contract, stretching the dermis downwards. This is the cause of the orange peel appearance on the surface of the skin.

A circulation problem causes the columns that support the dermis to stretch and contract, pushing the skin up at some points and stretching it down at others. This is what causes the appearance of orange peel skin.

Now we explain how to know if a cream will work or not. Doctors classify cellulite in degrees. This is called the Müller scale.

Grade 1: You don't see dimples but if you squeeze the skin, dimples appear.

Grade 2: You look dimpled standing up, but not lying down.

Grade 3: You look dimpled standing up and also lying down.

Now that you know how to evaluate the degree of cellulite we tell you what no one has told you: only grades 1 and 2 can be improved with creams. Grade 3 implies that the collagen fibers, i.e. the columns that support the dermis, are too rigid for a cream to have any effect. In this case it is advisable to consult a professional. There are very effective techniques to improve this grade of cellulite.

There are two ways to improve the appearance of orange peel skin.

The first is to firm the dermis. If the dermis becomes harder, firmer, it will be more resistant to the deformations it suffers from the "pulling" and "pushing" of the columns that join it to the hypodermis.

During adolescence, to observe cellulite it is often necessary to tighten the skin. This is because the dermis is so firm that cellulite cannot deform it. As the years go by, this firmness decreases and then the orange peel skin can be observed without having to press.

By firming the skin we achieve a visible effect on orange peel skin. This is the mechanism by which we fight cellulite at Endor.

In the following image you can see how our molecule is able to firm the dermis. It is an ultrasound performed at Centro Medico Teknon on a volunteer after using Essential Anticellulite Cream for 28 days.

The skin has plumped up. And that has reduced cellulite by 30%.

By firming the dermis with creams we make it more resistant to the deformations that cause the appearance of orange peel skin.

The second way is to work on the underlying vascular problem. The hypodermis is inaccessible to creams. It must be reached from the inside and the most effective way to do this is through healthy habits.

A healthy and balanced diet, rich in fresh foods, vegetables, fruits and whole grains helps to improve circulation. The same as avoiding fatty foods, red meat and completely harmful habits such as smoking.

Another essential element for maintaining good circulation is physical exercise and avoiding an excessively pathological lifestyle.

The conclusion is that a healthy lifestyle throughout the year, not only when the good weather approaches, the use of an anti-cellulite cream capable of firming the dermis used regularly, and provided that your cellulite level is 1 or 2, can make a dramatic change in months.

Essential Anticellulite Cream

Endor Technologies

Essential Anticellulite Cream

Improves the appearance of orange peel skin by firming the skin.