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Celltense vials leaflet


CelltenseTM Serum

Adjuvant serum foraestheticbody care procedures

Adjuvant serum foraestheticprocedures to improve skin firmness and the appearance of cellulite (grade 1-2 on the Nurnberger-Müllerscale), making the skin lookmoreeven, youthful and healthy.

In a double-blind versus placebo study conducted to improve skin firmness and the appearance of cellulite, a significant improvement was seen with Celltense Serum.


12 x 15 ml vials of CelltenseTM Serum.

Form of use

Apply Celltense Serum to dry, cleansed skin with a gentle massage until completelyabsorbed. One vial covers both thighs front andback. For arms and abdomen approximately 4 ml is required.

Once Celltense has been absorbed, apply theestheticprocedureaccordingto the standard protocol.


For external use only. Do not apply ondamagedor irritated skin. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Do not apply to pregnant or breastfeeding women. Keep out of reach ofchildren.


No incompatibilities have been described.

Adverse effects

If the patient reports adverse effects discontinue theapplication ofEndor CelltenseTM Serum. If the effects persist, consult yourphysician.

Complementary treatment

For optimalresults it is recommended to use Endor anti-cellulitecream or Endor firming cream one month before the procedure to prepare the skin and after the procedure to enhance the results.



CelltenseTM Serum

Adjuvant serum for aesthetic in-clinic body care procedures

Adjuvant serum for aesthetic in-clinic body care procedure to improve skin firmness and the appearance of cellulite (stage 1-2- on the Nurnberger-Müllerscale), revealing a younger, healthier-looking skin. In a double-blind placebo controlled study to reduce the appearance of cellulite, there was a significant improvement using Celltense Serum.


12 x 15ml vials of CelltenseTM Serum.

Directions for use

Apply Celltense Serum on dry and clean
skin with a soft massage until completely absorbed. One vial covers both legs front and back.Arms and abdomen require 4ml.
Once Celltense Serum has been absorbed, perform the in-clinic procedure per standard protocol.


For external use only. Do not apply on broken or irritated skin. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Not for use on pregnant or nursing women.


No incompatibility has been described.

Adverse effects

If the patient observes an adverse effect, stop the application of Endor CelltenseTM Serum immediately. If the effect persists, instruct the patient to consult with their physician.

Complementary treatment

For optimal results apply Endor Anti-cellulite or Firming Cream twice a day during one month before the in-clinic procedure to prepare the skin, and from the procedure as an in-home care to optimize the results.



CelltenseTM Serum

Adjuvant serumfor estheticbody treatments

Serumfor the body that complementsthe clinical esthetictreatments. By firming the skin and reducingcellulite (grade 1-2 of the Nurnberger-Müllerscale), it makes the skin smoother, younger and healthier.

During a randomized clinical trial in double blind, a significantimprovementof the skinwas observed thanks to the use of Celltense Serum.


12 x 15 ml flacons of CelltenseTM Serum.

Mode d'emploi

Apply Celltense Serumon the skin
clean and dryand massageuntil completeabsorption of the product. One flacon is enough to cover the skin (front and back). For the arms and abdomen, measure about 4 ml. Afterabsorption of the serum, proceedwith the clinical esthetictreatment following the usual protocol.


Topical use only. Do not apply to irritatedor irritatedskin. Avoidcontact with eyes and mucous membranes. Do not apply in case of gross grossness or during the alleviate. Keep out of the reachof children.


Aucun incompatibilitésa été relevé.


If you notice an undesirableeffect, discontinue the application of Endor CelltenseTM Serum. If the undesirableeffects do not cease, consult aphysician.


For optimal results, it is recommended to use Endor anti-cellulite creamor cellulite cream one month before the treatment to preparethe skin and during the treatment to reinforce the results.