we serve you people.

we solve your doubts

If your question is related to how to use the products, incompatibilities or about shipping and returns, you may find the answer here: the 12 most frequently asked questions.

If you are in doubt about which routine is best for you, the quiz we have created based on the most frequently asked questions we receive may help you.

Take the test

Endor Technologies S.L. Parc Científic de Barcelona - C/ Baldiri Reixac 15, 08028, Barcelona, Spain.

We respond to all messages. However, due to the high number of messages, your response may take 24 to 48 hours.

Our phone number to solve your doubts and resolve incidents with shipments: 634 54 40 26.

To guarantee your privacy, all messages are deleted once they have been answered. No data is stored or used for marketing purposes. You can read our privacy policy here: Privacy policy.