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If you don't apply this, creams won't work.

Choosing the best creams for what you need is essential to get the effect you want.

But that's only half the way. 

The other half depends on what the creams are not. 

After serving many clients who do not see any effect after using many creams (ours included), I have created this video with the tips that have helped them the most to, this time, achieve the effect they wanted in the most difficult aspects of the skin to improve: flaccidity, wrinkles and cellulite.

Here you have the video, I hope you like it(13 minutes).

By the way, the video is free. I'm not going to ask you for personal data in return and then send you advertising (I don't like that).

Now that you know the basics for creams to do their job, my recommendation is to choose the best routine for you.

We have prepared a brief test with the questions we consider most relevant when choosing a routine.

You can do it here(we do not ask for any personal data):